If we have to explain what gender violence, and if when we talk about Femicides say that men are also hit by women, or this or that, two things, that's violence, not understanding the problem it is violence is to deny the problem, is it invisible and justify actions against women and on the other hand, although we give a uncontrollable desire to send that person to re-salita two, no, left us a long way, the work they made thousands of people is important but we lack. We must continue raising awareness, we must continue to denounce, we must continue to support women who daily suffer this scourge. From the state from companies, intermediary organizations and from each citizen. Today I read an article "http://goo.gl/N6L5Zc" very interesting and clear, beyond the content, the idea that the way we talk and express ourselves is gender violence, violence against women, against society as a whole. Six common phrases that we hear almost every day, six Freses that even soundi...
Ideas, pensamientos, buscando romper, aunque sea mínimamente, con la hegemonía de los medios masivos de comunicación. Se aceptan los pensamientos distintos y divergentes, los invito a sumarse.