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Whose fault is it

He is the one who took his life, is one of those who knew and did not prevent it, it is of those who educated him, is the neighborhood, the municipality of the province or the national state.

It hurts, annoying, unworthy, we cry and marches, we hang posters on social networks and even we get involved in long discussions.

Something changes all this, at one point yes, I think there is a little more consciousness, but they continue to die, we continue to beat them, we continue killing them.

In the week of the social networks, a calendar, where every day the name of a woman appeared, beaten, raped, murdered, disappeared or all together, tremendous, every day a woman dies because of her gender, thousands are Raped, thousands are shitting, picking them up and throwing them, and the worst, if you can say that there is something worse, is that we have idiots who do not realize it, even justify it.

Talking to a friend told me, how does this work out, is there a solution?

I want to think that if we have a future where being a woman does not carry the risk of being raped, beaten, denigrated, bastardized and murdered, where being very and being a man is the same.

I have two sons, and I do not have to worry about these issues with them, or if I have more to work with, so that they are not as stupid as I am, as you are, as we are all, because in the Small acts, or not so small, reproduce a logic of domination, possession, abuse abuse, which at the end ends with a dead woman.

I do not have to worry about Jano and Felipe appearing on a poster with the text Vivos we want them, or #NiUnaMenos, but if I have to take care that they are part of the solutions, that they treat everyone with respect , Not to reproduce stereotypes of generemos, in which they are linked to the world from freedom, to treat all as equals, that fraternity is not an objective, or a way of living.

I am almost embarrassed to write or position myself in this place, because I am aware that I am part of the problem, that I am part of the scenario that favors Micaelas, Aracelis, and thousands more.
What can we do? Change in the individual, join in the collective struggles, generate awareness, talk to our HIJXS, repudiate machismo, understand that small everyday actions can generate change.

You have the cell full of pornography, delete them and say in the groups that send you those images that you do not want to receive, become a man, you are going to putear a mine by the way you drive, get out of the car and before insulting, help or just enter the words In the pocket, thousands of things we do and we think they're fine or just are we such idiots that we do not even weigh them?

The women are the greatest machistas, they raise the macho men, WHICH PIECE OF IDIOTS WE ARE FOR GOD ...

We have to win the cultural battle, we must change the prevailing paradigm, it is a struggle of all, not only of them, sumate, change, modify your acts, ask for forgiveness and change, we have to change, TODXS.


National strike, of all, a day of national reflection, we can not continue to turn a blind eye.


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